Umami Burger Launches Alton Brown Burger
It's that time of year again! Umami Burger is notorious for collaborating with celebrities to make a special limited edition burger, but this time things got real! Umami Burger just launched the ultimate foodie burger with Alton Brown. I mean the Mindy Kaling burger was cool and all, but finally, a foodie making a burger! My heart fluttered at the thought and I had to head on over to see and taste the burger for myself. Umami Burger was kind enough to allow me into the back kitchen to see how the Alton Burger is made. Here's a live stream of how it all went down. Click here to check it out!
So for starters, what's in an Alton Burger? The Alton Burger takes the special beef patty Umami Burger is known for and ups the ante by mixing in bacon lardons. The patty is cooked to a nice medium-rare and then topped with cheddar cheese, miso-maple bacon, smashed cheesy tots, a fried egg, fried sage, and a house-made coffee ketchup. Step 1: Make sure your patty is at a perfect medium-rare.
Step 2: Make sure your egg is on point and that the yolk is ready to flow all over that burger because once the Alton Burger is delivered to the table, a knife will be plunged down through the fried egg so that the egg yolk can run down into the lower layers!
Step 3: Dance and party in the back kitchen! Just kidding, but we did have some time to kill in the kitchen so the chef was nice enough to allow my friend Kiyra and I to sample the coffee ketchup I was asking about. Yes, it ketchup with a coffee aftertaste, which sounds weird but I was totally into it. We have a great moment on the live stream when we were tasting the coffee ketchup. You really need to watch it!
Best line from me: This is coffee made with Stumptown Coffee so its' not that Folders crap. Step 4: Ooh and awe at the bacon! I wish we had smell-o-vision and I could let you guys in on how great the kitchen smelled. No joke. It was amazing. The was the Miso Maple bacon.
Step 5: Add on the Cheddar Cheese and Tater Tots.
Step 6: The final step was to add everything all together and put the knife though the top so that the yolk would drip all over everything. Advanced warning the left burger's egg is over-easy because my friend Kiyra didn't want the yolk running all over the burger. What's wrong with her right?
Oh my goodness. This burger was amazing! It was like having breakfast on steroids. I've had a few of the celebrity collaborations with Umami and I have to say that this one was by far my favorite. There was definitely some umami going on. Do be prepared to get messy though! For those people who want to take pictures of their food, I highly advise you to bring a friend to help you because your hands will be drenched in yolk! Savory, sweet, and umami! You need to go out and try this now. I think the egg, bacon, and patty were my favorite parts. Each Alton Burger is $14 and $1 of all proceeds from the burger will benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
Look at how beautiful the fried sage is on top!
We topped off the meal with some maple bacon fries and truffle fries. The Alton Burger also has a choice of recommended beverage pairings furthering the breakfast theme. The Samuel Adams Nitro Coffee Stout is available at all participating Umami Burger locations nationwide. The Ryes & Grind Cocktail is only available at select Umami Burger locations. The Ryes & Grind is mixed with High West Double Rye, Fernet Branca, a house made Real Sugar Pepsi demerara syrup, Stumptown cold brew coffee and bitters, garnished with a Maraschino Cherry wrapped in an orange peel. Here's a video of Alton Brown describing how he came up with the Umami Burger. It's worth a watch if you're still not convinced that you should go try the burger!
The Alton Burger is only available for a limited time until April 24th at your local Umami Burger. To find out where your closest location is go to If you love breakfast food, you need to go give it a try. Plus, a portion of the proceeds go to Make a Wish!