Left was our order of dan dan noodles-a must to have in Taiwan and right is our yam porridge. You get to decide whether you want plain steamed rice or yam porridge to go with your meal as your substitute. I personally think it's weird to use yam porridge as rice. I prefer to eat it as it is.

Then like the good tourists we were, the mother and I headed over to the famous 誠品 Bookstore that's right across from Taipei 101. It's the biggest bookstore in Taiwan filled with floors and floors of any book imagineable. And they are cheap too since Taiwan does their our printing. You can buy those SAT Prep books for under $10 US.
DAY 3: Taichung, Taiwan
On day 3 of my Taiwan trip, the mother and I headed to the airport where we were to pick up my grandma to head over to the city of Taichung to go to the temple in the picture above. Love the Grandmother, but going on vacation with her aint no walk in the park. She travels with an umbrella to protect from UV rays and the sun, brings her maid with her, requires 5 specific fruits she has to eat everyday and is a bore when eating. She needs at least 2 vegetables for herself at every meal and refuses to eat anything exciting. Boo. Big clash. Grandma definitely is not cool with sitting in the street or eating at any place that is not a restaurant in a 5 star hotel.
Grandma insisted we go to a 5 star hotel to grab some afternoon tea after we were done with the temple. Unfortunately and fortunately, the hotel didn't have the coffee she wanted. I suggested the amazing looking 2 story McDonalds that was right next to the hotel with huge sofas, AC, & good food. Stupid me... how could I ever think that Grandma would be down with McDeezy's? We finally settled on Starbucks, which was a pretty good choice since they have specials that we don't have in the States. Left is my Green Tea Black Sesame Latte. Yum! We returned back to our hotel in Taichung and of course I spotted a boba stand. Right is my Passionfruit Green Tea with Aloe.
So dinner meant that we ate in our hotel because Grandma didn't want to have dirty outside food. -_-. I was sad. Left was our lamb dish with rice vermicelli and right was grandma's order of veggies.
Above is 2 orders of veggie dumplings. When Grandma wants veggies, she gets veggies.
Left was our order of lamb and veggie soup and right was our panfried noodles with pork.
Left is grandma's order of digua ye veggies. You see the white thingys on top? They are actually small tiny fish. Looks creepy like white tadpoles or something but quite delicious. Right is our order of kung pow frog. Personally I don't mind if it much as long as looks and tastes like chicken. I just try to stay away from frog in general because of a childhood traumatizing experience. One time when I was little, my family was eating at a chinese restaurant where there was a dish called "Tian Ji" or "Teen Gay" in Canto. So yeah literally translated meant field chicken. I heard other family members whisper that it was frog but I thought I just heard wrong since my sister assured me it was chicken. Sucker. That piece of "chicken" was fried but I could taste the sliminess and see the actual frog leg. From that day on, I have tried to stay as far away from frog as I can. I'm been scarred for life.