Menchie's & Cinnabon Froyo
I love froyo! And when I say I love froyo-I really mean it! At my height of froyo addiction during my undergraduate studies, I would head to my local mall and pick up a whole cup of yogurt 3 or 4 times a week! You know what else I love? Cinnabon! In fact, I'm sitting here right now drooling just thinking about the hot, delicious cinnamon gooey roll. Why is the mall not open at 1 am as I'm writing this? Why is there not a 24-hour Cinnabon? Someone please make this happen! All these life questions! You can imagine how excited I was to find out Menchie's and Cinnabon were collaborating! That's right! The newest Menchie's yogurt flavor is: Cinnabon's Classic Cinnamon Roll! It's like two of my favorite foods got together and had a baby. I am currently back in Los Angeles for the time being (until my next project comes calling) and the weather has been pretty warm. My most sincere apologies to my friends and readers elsewhere that are experiencing freezing cold temperatures! Back here in Lala Land, the weather has been perfect for frozen yogurt!
You could smell the Cinnabon flavor even before you took the first bite! Of course, in my usual fashion, I stood in front of Menchie's ample toppings selections and wanted to put everything and anything on top of my new flavor selection. I was able to reel myself in though. I knew at the end of the day that putting popping boba balls or fruits with my Cinnabon flavor probably wasn't the best idea. I settled for mini mochi bites!
There goes my career in froyo making. My swirl was terrible! All in all though, I really enjoyed the new addition! I felt like I was eating a Cinnabon with every bite! Highly recommend! The yogurt is actually made with real Makara cinnamon and and cream cheese frosting. You know what would be even better? Picking up a Cinnabon and then topping it with Menchie's Classic Cinnamon Flavor. BAM! Poozkie what? That has nothing on this!
This exciting collaboration is only available until November 30th so act fast!
To find your nearest Menchie's check out their site here.
Happy Froyo-ing!