(Don't let the long lines scare you. They go really fast!)
Yum, yum, yum! For my birthday, I wanted to go to Disneyland and my friend works for Disney so she was was able to get me tickets for cheaper, but I had to go to Burbank to pick it up amongst Justin Bieber fans & Jonas Brother Fan Vans hovering all over. My friend also took me out to lunch on her break to the most AMAZING place. I think this is one of my new favorite places! Porto's Bakery is located at 3614 West Magnolia Blvd. Burbank, 91504. Go, go, go!

Here are the famous potato balls at Porto's. This is some serious yum! They gave us the potato balls up front in a tray and then gave us a number (Carl's Jr. style). Then, we went over to pick up our drinks. The staff brought the rest of the food to us. They are pretty good at hunting you down since there is seating outside and inside of this place!
Left was my pina colada smoothie and right was my friend's mango smoothie. Yum!
Here's the their tuna melt sandwich. Their chips were baked, but they were so good! Delicious.
This was the torta de pollo sandwich. Wow!! So so good! I'm actually drooling right now.
This was one of the 3 cakes I got. My friend was nice enough to treat me out for my birthday. I got 3 cakes: an opera cake, a double chocolate cake (pictured above), and an oreo white cheesecake. They were all so good!
The best part about this place is it's pretty cheap! For everything we got it was about $27. We got smoothies & cakes so that's a pretty good deal! One con about this place is definitely their parking. They have a private lot but it's so small.
Happy Eatings!
By the way, I highly recommend this place if you couldn't tell already!