L.A. Times: The Taste Recap
L.A. Times’ annual food and wine festival – The Taste – was a foodie’s wet dream! The three day festivities started off with a special opening night soirée and ended with a family-friendly Sunday Brunch session and dinner! Talk about sensory overload! Wow! It was so much fun. I wish I was able to make it to all the events. Too bad I was called in last minute to work a hard news story since I had such a blast mingling with friends and making new ones while stuffing my face full of food! Attractive, huh? What can I say? I'm a catch!Here I am on the red carpet. It was also the perfect time to bust out my 'I'm all that and dim sum' shirt.
After posing for pics on The Taste Carpet, I headed in! It was hot, hot, hot. The sun was burning my skin. I think next time I"m definitely bringing an umbrella. #MakingMyAsianMomProud
There was so much food. This wasn't even everything! Can you believe it?I love how they had the Stella cups and not plastic, dinky ones!
They even used it for decoration!
Boy was it hot outside! I had a great time running to my fellow UCLA Undergrad and USC Annenberg Grad Food Blogger, Tanaya. I guess all the great foodies go to UCLA and USC. We're such traitors! lol.
As you can tell we had a blast!
I also loved how there were so many activities that were family friendly. There was a stand that made the cutest balloon hats like the one seen here. A few little girls wore Minnie Mouse and penguin balloon headbands. I really wanted one, but the line of kids in front of me was too long.
Stopped by and took a quick pic with Chef David, at his request. lol. It was also great to mingle with other food bloggers and other attendees.
It's still so surreal that we were on the Paramount Studios Lot having a food filled day all to ourselves. I've been on the lot before interviewing TV stars, but having it shut down for hardcore foodies was just such a fun experience!
All in all, I had such a fabulous time! The Taste was such a success. I'm blocking off my entire work schedule next year to make sure I can make every single event. I want to thank The Taste for having me and Diana and Kristin. The Taste organizers should run every event because this was seriously the most efficient event I'd ever been to. Perfect for the control freak foodie like myself!
Thanks LA Times/The Taste, Diana Hossfeld and Kristin Hansel for having me! To learn more about The Taste, visit their website here: http://events.latimes.com/taste/ and make sure not to miss the next event!