K-TOWN Night Market Review
I seem to be turning into quite the night market veteran these days. After going to my fair share of 626 Night Markets, I figured I should be on hand to try the first ever K-Town Night Market as well! So here's what went down Day 1 of the K-Town Night Market. Of course, I had to roll deep with my foodie friends. After all, what's a night market without the proper food snobs to properly critique it?
The KTNM was held at Robert F. Kennedy Community Schools at: 701 S Catalina Street, Los Angeles, CA 90005.
Food extraordinarie Jay from (Jayeats.com) and I arrived well before 3:30 on Friday to beat the KTown crowds and be first in line. Unfortunately, we ended up waiting in a line for more than an hour before they let us in. The KTNM was running way behind schedule. After the fact, I heard that it was the health department people that were holding up the opening time. I definitely expected delays since they had never done this before. Hopefully, they learn from this and go on to improve and make the experience even better next time!
Once we finally made it in, we went straight for the Ramen Burger line. As you know if you are a reader of my blog, I'm an avid supporter of the original ramen burger. I'm so glad we made it Stop #1 because the line was insane. All the other booths were still setting up with barely any customers and the Ramen Burger had a huge line. Luckily, the line went pretty smoothly.
Here was their sign for the day. They debuted a few special items in honor of the KTNM: the Spicy K-Town Burger, Shaka Shaka French Fries, and Ramen Burger Phone and Key Chains.
Some pictures of the booth while they set up.
The gals getting the ramen burgers ready.
The debut of the super cute Ramen Burger accessories.
Here is is in all its glory: The K-Town Ramen Burger . Thank you to Jay for being my hand model!
A close up side view of the spicy burger. It's really hard to concentrate on taking pics when a Ramen Burger is in front of you!
I got a taste of Jay's spicy ramen burger. My favorite is still the original Ramen Burger. Don't mess with greatness!
Then we stopped by Mama Musubi to get some tasty rice balls.
Mama Musubi also did a special gourmet rice ball for the KTNM. This one was a spicy tuna rice ball. I loved it. I didn't think it was too spicy at all! I would definitely get this again.
Thank you to Jay for being my hand model again! So gorgeous to actually rip open a rice ball to see the inside intricacies.
Elote Mexican Grilled Corn! Ahhh! My favorite!
Then it was time for yakatori!
It was such a nice surprise to see my Ramen Chef from the Rosemead Hakata Shin Sengumi making yakatori at the KTNM! Pulling double duty!
Are you getting full yet? Our next stop was Phorage's Banh Mi tacos.
One thing I didn't like about the KTNM was that they didn't allow me to bring in any water. I always carry a bottle water at events cause you never know if the drink lines are going to be very long or if they're going to charge you up the butt for water. So after I was forced to throw out my water, I walked over to the Carb and Nation food truck for their organic Mango and Calamansi Soda.
How cute was this? I got a little gift from Yelp. Yelp LA and PapaBubble.
My group was a bit sad that the Seoul Sausage line was so long. We figured driving to the actual restaurant location would have made more sense than standing in the insane line that wrapped around the block multiple times.
Overall, it wasn't a terrible experience at the K-Town Night Market. Most of the lines went by pretty efficiently. There were lots of different food choices. I hope they improve for next time and have a more successful event! After all, it's such an amazing experience just seeing how many people in the community come out to support local food events such as this one. And in case you're wondering... yes I will be at the OC Night Market in a few weeks.
See you then!