Greetings from Hong Kong. Yes, I am in Hong Kong once again even though I was here less than 3 weeks ago. I'll be blogging on food in Hong Kong, Singapore, & Taiwan for the next few weeks until I get back to L.A. and continue blogging on food there. Anyways, I'm back to celebrate Chinese New Year and being the good foodie that I am, I got off the plane and headed out to eat food right away! What location did I choose to make my first stop of my Hong Kong trip? Ding Tai Fung! So there's Ding Tai Fungs all over the world. Seoul, Tokyo, Beijing, Shanghai, Los Angeles, to name a few. The original Ding Tai Fung is in Taiwan. I've also been to the one in Beijing but they recently opened 2 shops in Hong Kong so I had to go try! Their servers are all from Taiwan! Super legit! Awesome. If you go during the lunch or dinner the lines go out the door. We got there at 3PM so we walked right in!

You guys are probably wondering why I titled this post Goodness With a Complimentary Hint of Rude China Man. So obivously as you just saw my table ordered some bomb ass food. There was a family sitting next to us that were tourists from Mainland China. The dad physically got up out of his seat took his son to our table and stuck their head to point and examine what we were eating. Um seriously? Chinese people have no concept of personal space yes I know that already but seriously? I'm eating... get your head out of my table. He could have just tapped us and asked politely what we were eating and we could have recommended him something but he decided to take it upon himself to check it out.